Thursday, October 2, 2008

Water-Boarding, The Follow-Up

So, the follow-up to my water-boarding experience. After we did the water-boarding for the video, people immediately started responding to it. As a result, the director of the music video we did for “Sacred Cows” called me up and said that we had to shoot more water-boarding footage, since we only had one real scene of it, and it was all from five feet away or so. We needed a few close-ups of it.

Well, I wasn’t exactly excited, but I understood her point and agreed to do it. After all, in spite of your very unpleasant the experience was, I had gone through it, was fine afterwards, and so how bad could doing it again be?

So, a few days later, I found myself driving over to her place around dusk to shoot more water-boarding. And my entire body was shaking. My hands just wouldn’t stop. I kept telling myself to get some control. I mean, I had already done it once, I had survived functionally, and I’m a martial artist, which is all about control of the mind over the body. And no matter what I just couldn’t stop the shaking.

I guess no matter how much my mind had gotten over the experience, my body was not ok with doing it again. No matter what I thought.

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